like movies earlier, and the internet later, reflects and influences
how we are seen and how we see ourselves. All three venues exist in
the present, and are somewhat intertwined in influencing how we see
ourselves,and others. As for whether or not it is important to see
myself on television, I would have to say that since I am old - a
term I prefer to 'senior citizen', I am sensitive to how women who
are older are portrayed in any media. I don't need to see 'myself' as
much as I would like to see a variety of portrayals of older women,
so that they do not fit just one stereotype for my age group.
is an interesting, and perhaps important, subject for scholarly study
because it can reflect the opinions and reactions of the watchers.
Unfortunately, it can also magnify or diminish those factors as well.
I may watch a TV show and agree with most of what is presented. I
could also think that it is mostly offensive or badly scripted. I'm
not sure that what we watch shapes the world we live in, but it can
reinforce certain beliefs that we hold. Depending on the show, it can
also cause viewers to reconsider those beliefs. Scholarly study can
trace trends in presentation and content of all types of shows –
comedies, dramas, and documentaries, and more. Hopefully, those
studies can be communicated to viewers so that they can be more aware
of how their views and beliefs can be manipulated.